You really need to try this

You really need to try this

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The XC that almost wasn’t……

It was a high pressure un-motivating day.  Getting to the tow rd  around 3 pm. Some of the local paras had done some training & had some flights already. Wind had been on the L & V side.

A bit of coercion to set up & I was ready. Maya was taking another para tow ahead. She was off & we were shortly after. Finding nothing on the glide back I see Maya getting her first thermal ever! This was good for me as well as I had a thermal marker. Shortly after we were climbing. She did really well. Leaving it around 5000’ asl.

3-31-13 Spangle Steptoe (5)

I stayed in it. Drifting about 3 miles topping out at 6800’ asl (highest for the day) Had a NE light wind & was just going to go to the Spangle airport.

After getting a couple miles  from it I was convinced to get some mileage. (Thanks Michele & Jorge) It was late in the day, conditions were soft & the climbs were short (6000’ ish would be it for the rest of the flight)                     But what the hell, why not.


Eagle past by me, really cool to see.ScreenShot001

Windmills near Oaksdale WA3-31-13 Spangle Stepto (7)


Low & slow climbs I eventually made it about a mile short of the Steptoe LZ. There is a small hill I did not have enough to get over & I saw a great LZ a ways back.

The track log stats



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