You really need to try this

You really need to try this

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Better then expected Saddle day 2-3-12

Somehow wrangled 5 pilots (para, from Spokane if you can believe that) for a Saddle trip. Forecast was light so I to thought the paraglider would be the best choice……..

Got on top to find stellar conditions for both hang & para. (Almost to strong for para) The military was running some training flights though the area about 6 total this day. (scary to hear them coming while in the air)

My first launch was good….for about 2 sec, I had pulled up  into a slight lull only to quickly find a thermal behind it. Up 15’ then backwards. A was too rusty to adapt quick  enough, really should have got to the speed bar. Flew it backwards for about 20’  then came down. A reverse somersault was to follow. I & the gear were unscathed.

Next launch was better, I was less complacent & ready. 5-600’ over & top landings galore for everyone. A total of 8 para & 4 hangs flew this day. (Really missed my hang glider)
My second launch (flight) almost was identical to the first, up 15’ but then a hover. Slowly creeping forward.

Lots of firsts & bests for most of the guys!

It was a damn nice day.

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