Following the days forecast it called for similar conditions as the prior day. Arriving on launch to find a few pars lightly scratching.
There was 20 people there. More hangs then I’ve seen in a long time not to mention at Saddle. Setting up conditions seem to improve. A good launch & light ridge & thermal mix to play in. Jorge launched & we went down the ridge to the E.
As soon as we hit the lower potions it got ugly. We were not very high to begin with & we tried to turn around. Sink city……
Followed Jorge to a nice spot to land. He had a good landing. I set up to come in to his left. On final he walked to where I intended to land thinking I was not landing yet. It worked out & I landed 15’ short of him. I managed to get it going just a bit right to miss the sage brush if I went long.
The others flying had multiple top landings & all the air time they wanted. We were the only ones to due a bit of XC.