Had some big plans for the great forecast. Parker to Grangeville, about 180 miles open distance. There is the Spokane airspace one must divert around one side or the other.
(You could chance going over the outer ring at 6400 msl, but if you got low.... not worth the risk)
My decision was to stay W and go by Reardan. I have flown through there before. I had some LZ ideas if needed.

Cues formed early. Arriving in the LZ there were some big cycles going through.... uggh I was late.

Got set up, and tried to launch.... many many times. (Burned more than a 1/2 hr trying to launch safely)
There was a good amount of right cross wind in it. This launch, due to the steep face gets rotary air easy when not coming straight in.
Time and time again I would move up to the edge but could not keep the glider level. Finally had to change tactics, wait for a lull, wait for when I thought a cycle "was coming" and runoff into just a trickle.
This worked, but no room for error at this site.
Off and running, 1:30 now, about an hr late it felt like. Big blue gap to cross. Halfway to Springdale, I was down to 5700' msl. Wasn't the start I was hoping for but I was going for it.

After trudging through the area it picked up and got better. Strong climbs, good clouds.
Got down to 5600' again near Lamont, it was getting late, almost 5pm and the area is sooo green.
Clouds were drying up. Had to make sure I didn't try to rush things.
Near Pullman I knew that Grangeville wasn't going to happen (I knew a bit before than, I really only acknowledged it to myself then)
Now what to do? Opt for landing close to town to hitch a ride? (I had no driver for this flight, but the forecast was to good not to go for it)
I opted to push on, out into the farm land with sporadic farms hoping for the best if landed out.
A smallish bump of a hill was before me, go for it or turn back to land near a road?
The other side was a lot of field......
On I went, catching a climb at the hill, it was slow, but it got me another 500'. Now I could make a good LZ
(I thought was good, it was a few weeks ago)
Get small and glide well, I told myself. The #'s were showing -100' to +100' arrival height. Caught a small climb near the end to guarantee my LZ.
Arriving there I didn't scout it out because I had landed there previously and it was short alfalfa. The wind had been switching near the end of the day and I was really trying to figure out what it was doing.
I paid no attention that it was wheat and tall. I dropped 2 wind streamers that both pilled. (I would find out due to the tall wheat) Set up to land the direction the wind had mainly been all day.
Ended up tailwind with a hard arrival ;-( Just a bent weak link.

Very lucky. The wheat cushioned the glider I think.
Almost 7pm and I make some calls. My very good friend offered his truck, my outstanding girlfriend just after getting off work, picks up the truck, goes to the store for food and beer and makes the 2 hr drive to retrieve me. Arriving almost at midnight. Getting home near 2 am. Great girlfriend!!
I cant say thank you enough!!!