Forecast looked great. I had an idea for a destination, LA Grande OR. It would have been about 140 miles. Loaded a few waypoints on the sd card and we loaded gear and were off to the tow rd.
As the area does some days out there, we chased the wind, trying to find a direction to tow. Each spot it was a different direction. Finally settled and committed to a spot, we set up. (about an hr we lost)
Dust devils were abundant. Jorge towed first, pinned off into a nice one and was off to a great start.
I had a good tow but nothing to release for, used most of the line and "had" to release. Back to the setup area and down to 900' agl I found something. A bit of a struggle as it organized yet eventually turned into a solid 900-1000 fpm.
Great dust devils till about Connell area. Caught up with Jorge there.
Now to go to the left or right of the Tri-Cities airspace? Lets stay left as it looked like a better line I thought.
Across the snake river, we groveled around finding some light elusive hard to follow lift.
We were down to around 5300' asl. Eventually we locked on it and got back up to 9400'
Near Touchet WA we separated, I had hung to a light drifting climb. Jorge would find another not to long after, but ended up going more to the E than I took.
Not much left in the day, hung on to what I could and scratched a few more miles out of it passing Helix OR. Basically a final glide after that, but a buoyant line it was.
More E in the wind direction than I thought when I landed, didn't think it was going to come out so good, but fortunately it did.
Michele (THANK YOU!) wasn't to far behind picking up Jorge then myself. 3.5 hrs later we were back home.
My track
Jorge's track