You really need to try this

You really need to try this

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Amazing views

You just never know what you'll get until you land.

20 minutes standing on launch to find something straight enough to launch in. It'd been 90° cross during cycles, almost 0 otherwise. (Launch timing was going to be crucial on this day.)

Finally the wait paid off and something came in to launch in the rest as you can see........

After a good climb and glide from the hill I did not remember well enough the forecast and blundered to the south where as the forecast said it was not going to be as good.

Struggle for some time trying to climb out only getting back to 5000' asl to get me back 2.5 miles from town.

A quick retrieve back to the hill and snuck in a late day extend para extended sled ride.

No complaints on this day.
